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Welcome to Return to Work Matters eLearning. We're Australia's leading independent resource for return to work professionals. We offer online training packages for individuals who want to increase their knowledge and expertise, and organisations seeking team training solutions.

ReturnToWorkSA visitors

If you are a South Australian Return to Work Coordinator, it’s likely you have an existing account with RTWMatters, and can log on using your existing details to access 20 e-learning modules. If you do not have an account, you can sign up here. here

All other visitors

Company Registration (Multi-User)

If you'd like to set up a group to manage staff training and purchase multi-user licences, click the button below.

As a group administrator, you can then:

  • Add staff members;
  • Purchase training courses;
  • Assign courses to specific staff members;
  • View progress reports and more.

Individual Registration (Single User)

If you're an individual wanting to manage your own learning, single-user training packages are available.